If your website isn’t generating the results you want, website redesign might be on your cards. Website redesign is always a tricky thing. It can either mean huge success for you, or a complete flop and hence undoing all your hard work.
Yes, a website redesign will demand time, effort, and money from your side, but it’s always better to invest them rather than get all the hard work undone.
However, Pat’s Marketing, a top-rated SEO company in Toronto highly recommends that you do your research, and follow an efficiently crafted strategy to redesign your website.
What is website redesign?
Making a large number of changes to your website design is termed website redesign. Website redesign incorporates playing with everything; website fonts, themes, style, content, etc.
The sole purpose of the website redesign is to get rid of all the website flaws and hence increase the conversions.
If you feel that the poor website design is hurting your sales and conversions, a website redesign is your definite answer.
How do you redesign your website?
Now when you know what is the website redesign, let’s see & understand some of the best ways to redesign your website.
1) Decide your website redesign goals: Firstly, you need to figure out the results that you desire to yield from a website redesign. If you are really willing to take the risk of the website redesign, you need to exactly know the reasons and each of them must be solid.
The reasons like, “just because my competitor redesigned his/her website, so I must do it too”, or “my website has been looking the same for a while, let me redesign it”, aren’t good enough.
Firstly, think and analyze if your reasons for website redesign are really strong enough. Things like your website not generating the desired traffic, reducing the bounce rate, boosting the domain authority, increasing the user experience, etc. are good enough to do so.
We also recommend doing some research before you redesign your website, and figuring out if a website redesign is really your solution.
Hence, if you are planning to redesign your website, firstly get clear with its goals.
2) Do efficient competitor analysis: After you get clear with your website redesign goals, it’s time to do some competitor analysis and see where are your competitors outplaying you.
You can figure out these points, and try to get rid of them in your website redesign strategy. An efficient competitor analysis will ensure that the next version of your website will be better, covering more bases, and most importantly will increase the chances of yielding the desired results for you.
Comparing your website with your competitors and figuring out the points where you lack will give you a better scope of improving and hence ensuring that you give yourself another opportunity to outplay your competition. Don’t hesitate to give yourself a considerable timeframe to figure out the strategy of your competition as that’s what will play a decisive role in terms of deciding the success of your website redesign.
3) Figure out the result-generating content: There are high chances that a portion of the content on your website might be generating amazing results for you. You aren’t required to replace this content. After all, why would you let go of the content that is generating the desired results for you?
Hence, go through your website, and see which portion of the content you can keep on your website untouched. This step might seem easy to you but will give you numerous difficulties when you actually do it.
You need to spend a considerable amount of time studying your own website and figure out that little section that you cannot afford to eliminate.
Again, it might seem easy, but doing it wrong might nullify the entire purpose of website redesigning. Yes, you are about to design a whole new version of your website, but you by no means can remove that part of your website that is already doing great for you.
4) Plan URL redirects: Well, this is easily one of the most critical and important steps for ensuring the success of your website redesign.
A slight mistake in redirecting URL, and the risk of loosing all your hard-done work looms large.
No matter if you have changed your content or not, you already might be having a lot of backlinks redirecting their users to your website. If you aren’t right with your redirect, the visitors will mostly land on a blank or an error displaying page, which would make you lose your traffic.
You can use tools like Redirects backed by Google itself, to ensure that the redirects don’t go wrong and you don’t lose any referral traffic. Again, don’t hassle even a bit here, give yourself some time, and plan & execute your URLs with the utmost efficiency.
5) Optimize your page loading speed: The page loading speed comes with immense importance alongside it. After all, you cannot expect people to wait forever for your website to load.
The advancement in technology has actually made people impatient, which demands your website to be blazingly fast. Hence, if you are redesigning your website, ensure that you optimize your page loading speed and get your website page loaded within 3 seconds.
Begin with optimizing the images on your website, and then move on to the videos. Also, free up your website as much as possible. Remove all sorts of elements that you feel are completely unnecessary.
6) Update the XML sitemap: XML sitemap gives the blueprint of your website SEO, and hence it becomes important for you to consider it when you redesign your website. It’s necessary that you update the XML sitemap of your website efficiently so that Google doesn’t ignore your website.
Remember, incorrect XML means a higher probability of Google ignoring your site completely, and hence undoing all your hard work.
XML is the blueprint of your website and ensure that it by no means confuses or disappoints Google.
7) Don’t forget to test your website after redesigning it: Redesigning your website is a huge thing, and you simply cannot afford to miss out on not testing it after it is done.
There are chances that there might still exist flaws in your website that you need to overcome after you redesign it. Launching the redesigned website without testing it can create a big blunder and leave certain long-term effects on your online presence, and maybe even on the authenticity of your business.
Hence, remember it as a step or tip, it all depends on you, but ensure that from website speed to how your website looks, you test every aspect of your website and that too meticulously.
Website redesigning is a mighty task. But, when your SEO strategy is failing, and when you aren’t able to figure out any other solution, it’s wise to go this extra mile. However, you need to be meticulous and at the same time a bit smart while playing with your website design again.
If your website isn’t generating results for you, and if you wish to get it redesigned by someone very reliable, you can count on Pat’s Marketing, a high-rated web design company in Toronto. Our team of experts ensures that the new version of your website is inviting and won’t be disappointing in terms of your website ranking. To connect with our top-rated Digital Marketing experts, reach out to us at 888-488-7287 (toll-free).