Keyword Research and optimization is the most important part of website design & content writing. Keyword research helps the content creators organize content into separate sections or pages that can cater to the user’s needs.
Proper keyword research helps you to create more specific articles which helps increase the readability & engagement and helps your site rank higher. This in turn helps you increase your website traffic. According to Pat’s Marketing, SEO Consultant Toronto, a vast majority of business owners go for new website design without investing time into keyword research and structuring their website accordingly.
Here we will discuss keyword research techniques and top 5 tools for your research.
Keyword Research Techniques
You can research your keyword either manually or using numerous tools available on the market. Either way, the process remains the same. To ensure a successful execution, just follow the steps published below.
1. Analyze your niche: The first step to figure out your target keywords is to analyze your target audience or niche. You can check out the competitor’s website, try communicating with the customers, try to think from the customer’s perspective, and figure out what they would like to search on Google?
2. Define Your Audience & Your Goals: Defining your audience is another important task. It will help you to not only design your website but also help you write targeted content for your audience.
When you define your target audience, also decide the goal of your website. Whether it is lead conversion, or monetizing it, or attracting numerous visitors, it will allow you to decide keywords with more ease.
3. Divide Topic into Subtopics: Try breaking down your niche into subtopics. Make a list of these topics and try figuring out the searched keywords related to this topic. For e.g., if you are into cleaning business, you can break down your services into carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile cleaning etc.
Breaking down your niche into subtopics helps you to filter the necessary keywords you need to focus on to boost the traffic.
4. Seed Keywords: After you are done with creating the subtopics, you can continue with creating the seed keywords for your article. Think on how people will search on Google, try entering related words in the keyword research tool. The results these tools display can be your answer to figuring out the seed keywords.
5. Use Reliable Keyword Research Tool: After you brainstorm and figure out the seed keywords for your article, you can just use any keyword research tool and verify your thoughts with actual results & search volumes. As you have gone through a manual process, you will have much more clarity while using the keyword research tool.
Try figuring out the keywords with less competition and high search volume. When you use a tool, you will be displayed thousands of results. Onus is on you to analyze your competitors and think from the user’s perspective to filter out the most useful ones.
Keyword Research Tools
The tools which you can use to research keywords for your website are as follows. Check them out!
1. Ahref Keyword Generator: This tool provides you a mountain of ideas as it gives you a list of more than 150 keyword ideas regarding your niche. For top 10 keyword ideas, you will be also shown the Keyword Difficulty (KD).
It will give you a fair number of ideas regarding the efforts you need to put on to rank a specific keyword. The higher the KD of a keyword, the higher efforts it will demand.
The keyword difficulty varies according to the geographical locations. The options of selecting any one from 170+ countries available allows you to select your keyword according to specific geographical area.
2. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is another useful tool that can help you with some great keyword ideas, search volumes, search trend over past 12 months, KD, Cost per click (CPC) etc SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool can be helpful for newbies to plan out their SEO strategy and execute them in the best possible way.
3. Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is easily one of the best keyword research tools on the Internet. It collects your idea in the form of a keyword and provides you a huge list of keyword ideas. The keyword ideas will cover all the bases, be it alphabetic or numeric. Ubersuggest keyword research tool is free for use & you get more ideas when you register for free.
4. Google Keyword Planner: To access Google Keyword Planner, you must have access to a Google Ads account. But the tool is free for you to use. You will be shown average monthly searches, keyword competition, CPC, and other important details.
All these details will help you to figure out your seed keyword and ensure you work in the right direction to rank your keyword.
5. Keyword Tool Dominator: Lately, this tool has been popular too as it provides the results for numerous platforms. Keyword Tool Dominator gives the keyword ideas for platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart, Google, YouTube, and Bing.
You can also select the region for which you wish to rank your keyword. A free account allows you 3 searches for every platform. You can download these reports to make things easy for you.
Devising an ideal keyword strategy might be a bit difficult for you. Especially if you are a business owner who doesn’t understand the ins & outs of SEO. But Pat’s Marketing can help you to devise an ideal keyword strategy with ease. Do reach us out at 888-488-7287 (toll free) for top-rated SEO services in Toronto.